Poems by Title

Resplendent Mirror Of Self (Version 1)

Oldfield, Brenda M

Resplendent Mirror Of Self (Version 1)

Gentle Self, blow not thy horns of identity
Windswept in self-pity, lacking chords of sincerity
Pipe devotion to others, ‘tis a melody of mortals
Similarities kindled, not wasted in thy miseries
Sense others, O resplendent mirror of Self!

Gentle Self, dig not for riches, ‘tis falsehood,
Belittling the bedrock, of beloved ‘childhood’
Forget fortresses; raise life in harmony
Wings of empathy, nurtured, meek and mild
Free others, O resplendent mirror of Self!

Gentle Self, seek not the dim dens of power
For therein lurks, thy pride’s darkest hour
Open doors to grasp, the lights of humility
Finding kernels, of what ye do not know
See others, O resplendent mirror of Self!

Gentle Self, beat not drums of infinite reason
Dance to thy heart’s rhythms, in unison
With finite wisdom, she means to understand
Sending not a sound, of what’s right or wrong,
Hear others, O resplendent mirror of Self!

Gentle Self, discard not the armour of trust
Thy sword of deceit cuts cold, inner disgust
Wear another’s esteem, shielded in thy pulse
Fearing not harm, but making hearts warm
Know others, O resplendent mirror of Self!

Gentle Self, yield not to the whims of thy patience
Face integrity, she smiles, with warm sentience
A bridge crossed, for another’s space and time,
Carrying, diamonds of dignity, Ruby’s respect
Cheer others, O resplendent mirror of Self!

Gentle Self, resist not the art of being sorry
Defending fears, that ego, liberates no worry
Why see, feel, listen, think and speak, to act?
For this peace, this joy, with no battles fought
Touch others, O resplendent mirror of Self!

Gentle Self, share this mirror, ‘tis a true reflection,
Of compassion, touching hands, rich in affection,
A life lived, in tender deeds and words, truly kind
Beaming love, thru open hearts, in the human mind

So eyes can see, you in me, me in you,
For loving others, ‘tis to thy self, be true
And in loving all, thy love’s never done
What splendour! You and I, just as one!
O resplendent mirror of Self!